Thursday, 25 January 2024

Thursday 25 January 2024 Bermagui River

 Early Monday morning L checked the weather forecast then the tidal charts and pronounced Thursday a good day to paddle the Bermagui River. Excited by the thought of a paddle I leapt out of bed and dashed of an email to our fellow kayakers.

A couple of hours later I thought to check the calendar - alas I had a dental appointment mid morning. So while I was being mildly tortured whilst having a molar prepared for a crown, the rest of the crew with the addition of Dd enjoyed a lovely paddle upon glassy waters.

R took some footage of a kangaroo crossing the river up near the confluence.

Trip notes: 

Put In/Take Out: Slipway Beach

High Tide at the entrance: 8.54am 1.8m

Start time: 8.30am
