Wednesday, 21 November 2018

Tuesday 13 November 2018 Glenelg River Day 1: Pines Landing to Pritchards

I'm not sure where to start this story - perhaps I won't bore you with the tale of our ailing car and how KT found us with a boiling engine at the old apple store at Garfield, barely over an hour after the start of our journey or how L and I broiled for the rest of the trip with no aircon or fan!
However worth mentioning is our lunch stop at Inverleigh - clean loos, and a pub or bakery to choose from for lunch. After going through Mortlake google maps led us a merry dance toward our destination - south then west, then south then west again repeated at regular intervals for a further 120 scenic kms or so, which at least kept the drivers awake.
Reaching Pritchards sometime after 5.00pm we set about pitching camp, hardly disturbing the resident kangaroos and black ducks, the ducks immediately stopping grazing and instead looking for handouts.
As evening fell, we were serenaded by grunting koalas and the sound of fish madly feeding on the termite hatch. The scavenging ducks disappeared to be replaced by possums as KT heated a delicious lamb ragout for our dinner - a little of which we shared with a couple of kookaburras. As we ate dinner a mother possum with baby took up residence under my chair - how did it know I was the soft touch? Or the messiest eater? As we ate dessert - melted toblerone one of the grunting male koalas got lucky and we munched our choci to the sound of mating koalas - a most unnerving sound indeed.
After our long hot day of travelling, we were soon in bed and it was one of the noisiest nights I've ever had - grunting and mating koalas, squabbling possums, fish feed and jumping, insects singing madly, wallabies hopping through camp and continuous rustling through trees and shrubbery.

We woke next morning with the aim of getting away by 8.00 to drive the short distance to Pines Landing where we were starting our paddle, but of course it was 9.00am before we were ready to leave. The river from our campsite at Pritchards

The main landing at Pritchards, much better than the little landing at the bottom of our campsite.

We intially missed the turn for Pines Landing and travelled a few kilometers before realising our mistake and back tracking to the unmarked turn off into a pine plantation, following the most used looking track we eventually reached the landing.

Looking upstream from the landing, that way looks inviting too

Luckily there was a steep little put in place for the likes of L and I not far from the landing

At last, we hit the water about 10.00am. KT sorting out her pedals

M wondering if she could actually heave herself onto a landing if no other option presented itself!

We headed downstream toward the first bend

which was rather spectacular

Paddling on

We temporarily left the cliffs behind

And it was somewhere around here we saw our first koala

Water percolating through the limestone cliffs

The cliffs soon closed in again

Which made one stop and gaze, which in turn made L suggest to KT and me a little more paddling and a little less gawping was in order otherwise we would never meet up with J&J at Moleside let alone reach our campsite at Pritchards.

I have no idea at what time we eventually reached Moleside to find J&J ready to launch. They had driven down on Sunday to spend Monday scoping where they could launch their big beastie of a boat and had camped at Moleside the previous night.

M, to be shortly followed by L, paddling up the proverbial creek beside the Moleside Landing for a quick 'leg stretch'.

The flotilla, now complete, and introductions made, heading off down river

Koala no 2 for the day

Coming into

Wild Dog Bend for lunch

With a little squeezy, squishy bit for L and me to get out. It was here that KT decided to try a bit of boat walking aka S, which she successfully did, much to my jealousy!

The QE2 coming into berth

KT pulling out her fins before pulling up beside the landing

Lunch was a very leisurely affair, taking an hour and a half - not even the CKC take that long! However Jan is originally from Michigan and she and John travel regularly to the US so we picked their brains on what makes Americans tick AND vote for someone like Trump.

We returned to the boats, KT hopping down into hers from the jetty, nimble little person she is.

We had not gone far down stream when we saw Koala no 3

L checking out said koala

Continuing on downstream

And then, blow me down, three minutes later we came across koala no 4 for the day

This one did not take kindly to our presence and scooted up the tree

To stare down at us with a definite "piss off and leave me alone" look on his face

He was still looking grumpy when KT pedalled past.

Reaching Saunders landing we had a leg stretch - 30 minutes worth

Oh bliss, a boat ramp

 Enjoying the view from one of the landings

We still have a way to go

A loaded QE3. J&J had all their gear on board as they had left their car in Nelson

Leaving Saunders behind

We paddled on

and reached Pritchards, with a hard little beach (bliss again) at 4.20pm.

After a short rest KT and L drove off  to retrieve the car and trailer from Pines Landing. On the way to Pines they were flagged down by a distressed teacher with a school group. One of the students had been evacuated earlier in the day by another teacher in the mini bus and he had not returned. L said if you are still here when we come back from Pines we'll help you. They were and L drove the teacher around till they located the missing teacher and mini bus.

Our second nights camp at Pritchards. Once again we were serenaded by grunting koalas and other assorted night life (Nighttime beside the Glenelg is noisier than the day time). J&J produced smoked oysters and we all had trips down memory lane as we dug in. Why don't we eat them anymore? They were delicious. After our various dinners - L&I had fresh Thai steak and  stir fried carrots, broccoli and snow peas, KT had left over lamb ragout and some of the stir fried veg (one of the benefits of car camping) and J&J had something dehydrated for mains and dehydrated Apricot Crumble which they were kind enough to share with us - the apricots were at least identifiable. Jan, who had never partaken of dehydrated bushwalkers food before - neither had I - had decided to try a few desserts. Not something to be repeated unless actually bushwalking was the general consensus.

Pritchards camp site. Fire courtesy of KT's G, who had bagged up lots of firewood and a box of kindling for us to bring.

Trip notes:
Put In: Pines Landing
Take Out: Pritchards
Length: 14 kms  - Parks notes (google earth 16kms)
6 hours 20mins including approx 2hrs 15mins of breaks

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