Wednesday, 30 December 2020

Wednesday 30 December 2020 Bermagui River

 With the full membership of the CKC turning out, plus a couple of ring ins, our final paddle of 2020 turned out to be, for most of us, our largest social gathering of the year.

Just before 8.00am we took to the water, an hour before high tide,

happy to be out on the water again.

With the tide assist we made good time, even with all the chattering going on.

Despite the many fishing boats - tinnies and kayaks - out on the river there were still some fish who had managed to resist the temptations on the fisherpeople's hooks.

Mooching along we poddled out from under clouds and 

into a consummate paddling day. 

Here is some footage of the ring ins going well in Big Red.  In the last clip you may see that A and I had raced ahead for a quick stretch at the campground.

When the rest of the group caught up it was decided to keep paddling up to the confluence of Coolagolite and Nutley's Creek which marks the start of the Bermagui River - a good spot for morning tea.

At 9.30 we pulled in to the sand bank

to munch our snacks and while away the time until the tide turned.  40 minutes later the tide went slack and it was time to pack up.

Sadly, no exploring Nutley's creek today - we had a luncheon to attend. 

By 10.30 the rest of the gang had cleared out and I was, as usual, last on the water.

Still lots of chattering going on :)

 For the next couple of kilometres or so we had the river to ourselves , after that - well it was a bit of a shock to the system- tinnies and kayaks everywhere. Bermagui, still sleepy when we launched had obviously woken up.  A little after 11.30am some of us pulled in for a last leg stretch at the top of the salt marsh.
10 - 15 minutes later we embarked again

for the final stretch, being whooshed down on the now strong outgoing tide; past idiots in hire tinnies trying to take shortcuts through the oyster leases and grounding out, past the people cheek by jowl at the long fish cleaning table with more queued waiting; weaving our way through paddle boarders being knocked off their boards by the wakes of multiple tinnies and avoiding said tinnies. For the members of the CKC it was an amazing sight.

  By 12.05pm our delightful paddle was over and

it was time to pack up and head through the heaving mass that was Bermagui to the quiet of R&G's to sit on their balcony and while away the rest of the afternoon partaking of the wonderful repast they provided amidst good chat, lots of laughs and convivial company .  Thank you very much, it was the icing on the cake and the perfect way to end our last paddle of 2020.

Trip Notes:

High Tide:    River Entrance: 9.07am, 1.8metres

                      Bermagui Bridge: 10.03am

Put In/Take Out: Slipway Beach


4 hours 5 minutes

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