Monday 19 July 2021

Monday 19 July 2021 Middle Lagoon, Tanja

Having heard that Middle Lagoon had recently closed and filled up and with only a light breeze forecast we decided to check it out.

Launching from private property at 11.40am we headed down the lagoon,

deciding to paddle it an anti clockwise direction.

We were soon immersed in the tranquil and sylvan setting and 

mooched quietly along soaking up the sights, sounds and atmosphere.

Having pulled in at the closed entrance at 12.25pm 

we checked out the beach and discovered some odd tracks.  The pic below is either a wallaby or small kangaroo track. However

this is the track that left us stumped. Each print was somewhere between 15-20cm long and

there the tracks go up the beach - distance between footprints about 1.5m.   So does anyone have any idea what animal has made them?

Having eaten our lunch at the entrance and watched these two pied oyster catchers see off any interlopers.

we set off again at 1.20pm to complete our circumnavigation. 

One of the aspects that makes this paddle so interesting is the varied shorelines you encounter as you poodle around the margins.

Gathering some errant canoe paddles as we meandered along the edge back to our launch site

I realised that for 2 1/2 hours all thoughts of  global warming, Covid, incompetent governments and what a country gets in the way of leadership when it elects a man guided solely by his religious beliefs - all had been banished from my mind. The void instead having being filled by the wonder and appreciation of small things in nature - the neat symmetry of the swans nest, a Sea Eagle cruising overhead,  reflections in the water, small fish darting through the drowned vegetation, the twists in a tree trunk,  swallows skimming over the water, a wren family bustling about in the reeds, too busy to take any notice of us as we glided silently by. 

Enough of the deep stuff, suffice to say for the CKC a good paddle beats meditation any time :)

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