Thursday 29 July 2021

Thursday 29 July 2021 Murrah Lagoon

 Looked at the weather forecast, checked the tide times and made the plan: Meet at the bridge at 9.00am for a 9.30am start.  Arrived at the bridge to find only a trickle of water running downstream.  Mmmm; K&A arrived and we checked the tide times. Turns out I'd suffered a serious seniors moment and had looked at the wrong date for the tide times and we were 3 hours too early! 

Luckily we all only live a few minutes away and as no-one had anything else planned for the day we returned home for a few hours having decided to reschedule for 12 noon.  Lesson of the day:  Double check the date of the tide time!

Upon returning to the bridge a little before 12 we found plenty of water and K&A already there unloading their boats.

We quickly unloaded; by 10 past we were on the water and afloat, though in parts K, in a pedal boat, had to lift her flipper flapper thingies and resort to a paddle.

This time there was enough water for us to take the right hand arm 

into the south eastern section of the lagoon.

Nearing the mouth of the lagoon.

While A tried to catch wave, we pulled into the little beach opposite then entrance

and at 1.15 we were all ashore and ready for lunch.

Returning to the water 40 minutes later we began to retrace our steps paddling against the now outgoing tide.

K and L having run aground, back paddle to find deeper water - too busy nattering to scope the way ahead.

By 2.50pm we were back at the bridge and another exceedingly pleasant paddle was over.

Trip Notes:
High Tide: 12.30pm 1.4m at entrance
Start time: 12.10pm


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