Thursday 25 November 2021

Thursday 25 November 2021 Bermagui River

 We had been looking forward to paddling Cuttagee again and perhaps getting a bit further up the creek. However L went into town early on Monday morning and discovered that the lake had been artificially opened very early that morning. So, sadly, no Cuttagee paddling for some time to come.

Once again this week's weather has been shit for paddling, and like the previous weeks there was a small window of opportunity this morning so L and I took a chance and hit the Bermagui River at 10.42am, to take advantage of the 12.35pm (1.6m) high tide for a quick float up the river.

The air was thick and heavy with the threat of rain.

And like wise, the water felt thick and heavy, despite the help from the incoming tide.  Even L felt it today and suggested that we weave and poddle our way through the mangroves on the inside of the oyster beds.

Turning the corner we felt the push of the tide and whooshed silently past the only other people we saw on the river.

Speaking of silent, even the birds were muted today, only the faint twittering, far off in the forest, to be heard now and again.

As we paddled the breeze picked up, gusting from every which way but that forecast. L, ever optimistic prepared his sail and got a few minutes sailing before the gust died away.

Lots of Skates to be seen today as were water spider/walker insects.

Having landed at the campground at 11.45am, we had an early lunch and by 12.40pm we returned to the water to head home.

Paddling against the incoming tide we stuck to the margins.

After rounding the corner the wind hit again so we crossed to river left and paddled down the narrow margin between the mangroves and the oyster beds. The mature Mangroves heavy with seed.

As we rounded the next corner an imperious Sea Eagle ignored our presence.

River right was the go on this next stretch

At the next corner there was no where to hide,

However, L managed to get 5 mins of sailing in before the wind fell off. Having packed up his sail he suggested a leg stretch and we pulled in to the north eastern edge of the wetlands for a 15min stop. 

Back on the water, on a now outgoing tide, L opted for more mangrove meandering during which it started to drizzle and the breeze completely died away.

Once back out on the river proper we let the tide take us down past the jetty and under the bridge, our paddle ending at 2.15pm. As we packed up the boats the drizzle turned to light rain, it got heavier as we drove home and hasn't let up since - our timing was right!

Other birds seen today: Striated Heron, a pair of Pied Oyster Catchers and a small flock of Topknot Pigeons.


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