Thursday 18 November 2021

Tuesday 16 November 2021 Kalkite up Eucumbene River Valley, Lake Jindabyne

With the lake at 89.19 % full and a suitable weather window we took the opportunity to revisit a paddle we did in January this year when the lake was at 75%, when we had all commented that this would be a beautiful paddle if the lake was higher.  And so it turned out to be, with vegetation down to the waters edge and the dry sclerophyll looking impossibly lush, the flooded river valley was a stunning place to paddle.

We set off from the Kalkite boat ramp at 9.50am under blue sky with a chilly breeze at our backs,

heading for a point just over the tip of L's boat.

A little way up the arm, sheltered from the breeze and starting to thaw, we slowed down to enjoy the surrounds.

And so we continued, across the big pool,

this time finding many places suitable for a leg stretch or lunch.

Once through the wide bit 

the valley narrowed.

Soon we were approaching the limit of January's paddle,

not far beyond this rock outcrop.

After having paddled over the rock garden that halted our progress on our previous outing we encountered willow trees, their vivid green a stark contrast to the Australian bush.

We had to weave our way through this long clump that stretch up and across the river. Now a river for we could feel a slight current.

Once through the willows another long pool.

Through the narrowing

and another long

and beautiful

pool beckoned us on.

As the current increased we knew we were reaching the end of the pool.

Soon we heard running water and sadly we 

reached the limit of our paddle at 11.05am.

To watch R's video press play, press full screen, press play again.

We had made it close to a kilometre further than on our previous paddle.

Having turned around we let the current float us 

back downstream,

to the narrowing where there was a perfect rest stop beside 

Bough Creek.

While we refueled we admired our birthday gifts from S&V.

The first 'obstacle we would encounter after lunch.

After 45 minutes listening to the birds and the burbling Bough Creek (and admiring our gloves) we hit the water again.

First through the 'obstacle' and closely following narrow section L & R watched while I ''found' all the submerged rocks and then

they both sailed through with their boats unscathed.
We retraced our steps, soaking up the scenery.

L&R found an easy route back through the long clump of willows.

A little before reaching the big wide pool we ran into a head breeze and paddled steadily on, hugging the bank and taking a few breathers along the way.  Expecting to encounter a strong breeze and choppy water when we reached the lake proper, we were surprised to find the breeze much lighter and the paddling a lot easier.  We guessed the breeze was being funneled up the valley. 

By 1.35pm our splendid paddle was over and it was time to pack up the boats and head home.

Trip Notes:
Put In/Take Out:  Kalkite boat ramp (2-3kms beyond the village)
Lake Level: 89.32%
3hours 45mins

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