Friday 24 May 2024

Friday 24 May 2024 Wallagoot Lake and Moncks Creek

 Once again we decided to visit Wallagoot Lake to take advantage of the high water, this to paddle the Western end of the lake and explore Moncks Creek and environs.

It was a latish start (more of that at end of the blog) however with a perfect kaying forecast all day it didn't matter.

Launching at 11.10am

The start was delayed somewhat when I launched backward. Pushing off the boat ramp into deeper water as I gracefully lowered the derriere into the boat I suddenly found my self sitting on the folded down backrest. So still stradling the boat and half akimber it was a wobbly and tippy paddle back to the ramp until I could stand enough to flip the seat back up. I pushed off to repeat the process, this time to find as I plunked down into the seat the cushion horribly askew so it was back to the boat ramp once more - this time at least I was in the boat.

By the time I was sorted the rest of the gang, unlike me, we a little chilly as it was nippy in the shade so we set off up the lake at a steady pace to warm up and take in the sights.

After we explored Moncks Creek and it various leads we headed down the lake to Scotts Bay Picnic Area where we sat for over an hour at a picnic table, basking in the sun like lizards, eating our lunch and chewing the fat. Having availed ourselves of the very clean loos (thanks National Parks) we headed back to the boats and launched at 2.15pm.

After a bit of discussion it was decided to paddle to the next headland and then go straight across the lake to the boat club.  However, as you can see from the map and video, the water was so glassy and enticing and the paddling so easy we just continued on, shore creeping around the lake.

Back at the boat ramp about 3.10pm, another salubrious and most pleasant paddle over we packed up and headed home. Last look at the lake as we depart. 

To top off a perfect day when we got home we found that Karen had posted a great blog about their new adventure in life. Two loves in our lives catered for in one day - kayaking and narrowboating.  Happy Happy.

Now a quick explanation of the late start.  It all goes back to the bushfire in October last year. Asbestos was discovered during the first attempt at clean up (by subcontractors no.3) of one of the destroyed sheds.  This led to a long delay for testing and a report. Finally subcontractors no.4 were appointed to remove the asbestos, the shed in question and its slab. They arrived from Canberra at 3.30pm on the 23rd and started work around 4.00pm. They being 1 truck and large excavator, another truck with a huge skip towing a dog with a smaller skip and two utes with more men. They worked until dark and then returned at 7.00am this morning and by 10.00am the men and machinery were disappearing up our track, job done.  It is just a pity they weren't contracted to clean up the second smaller shed and slab as it would taken them only an hour. Instead we have to wait for the return of subcontractors no.3 who use hand held concrete cutter to cut up the slab - a long, tedious and undoubtedly more expensive process.

An observation: In our case. The insurance company appointed an assessing company, the assessor appointed a building company to quote and do the necessary removal, rebuilds and repairs. The building company then appointed a subcontractor to carry out the works. Then when asbestos was found a 4th subcontractor was appointed.  That is 4 different companies (so far) making a profit from the Insurance Company. Besides the profit the upside for them is that when something goes wrong/is not done - its one of the other business' fault!

Trip Notes:

Put In/Take Out: Wallagoot Boat Ramp


Lake closed

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