Wednesday 29 May 2024

Wednesday 29 May 2024 Brou Lake

 With another sunny and windless day forecast - perfect conditions for a lake paddle, Brou Lake was our chosen destination.

Upon reaching the launch we found the water level to be higher than on previous paddles which boded well for our forthcoming exploration.

Launching at 11.05am and paddling along the shoreline we headed for the closed entrance.

Here we discovered more of those LBB's which are so hard to identify without the aid of binoculars (even with them as the lbb's scuttle about so fast).

Having edged in as close as possible we sat still and waited until some of them came closer.

Is the one on the right an immature or a different LLB to the two on the right? So hard to tell from this distance.

Oh, okay - this one must be a Red Capped Plover

We continued mooching along the shoreline until we reached the north eastern lagoon and here we found, at its eastern most tip a lovely landing spot at which to lunch.

 Whilst munching our sangas we watched, high over the lagoon, a long aerial battle  - two adult Sea Eagles trying to see off, either two young sea eagles or a pair of Wedge Tail Eagles. It was impossible to tell as they looked very dark against the sunlight.

After lunch as we continued our circumnavigation of the lagoon we spotted one of the darker Eagles perching in a dead tree. Too far away to tell for certain, we think it might be an immature Sea Eagle.
Maybe the two darker birds were last year's offspring and, as Sea Eagle breeding season is starting it is time for the young birds to depart the home territory?

Having indulged in lots of bird watching - pelicans, crested terns, ducks, swans, egrets, herons, pied cormorants, grebe etc,  upon returning to the main lake and finding it like a mill pond, L suggested we take advantage of such perfect conditions and straight back across the lake.

Here is the GoPro and Drone edit


Lake closed

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