Friday 16 August 2024

Thursday 15 August 2024 Brogo Dam, Nelson Creek & Brogo River

OMG - what was forecast as a good paddling day developed, as all childless cat ladies would agree, into a purrfect day to be out on the water.

Brogo Dam was the destination. 

The aim; to launch by 10.00am with stops for morning tea at the old camping area in Nelson's Bay and lunch where we camped in 2017 before returning to the boat ramp around 2.00-2.30pm - a 10km in all - leaving us plenty of time to get into Bega to buy more sheep pellets.

Step one went according to plan - we started paddling around 10.

Jesse had told us to watch out for deer sign, he didn't say anything about pigs and this, to me, looks very much like a pig wallow.

So glorious was the day the plan started to fray. Morning tea, at 11.00am, was at the paddlable limit of Nelson Creek,

with birdsong and the burbling of water for background sound.

Lunch, at 1.20pm, was up the Brogo River (the river having not been part of the plan).

After lunch, while L flew the drone some of JD's childless cat ladies, very happy with their lot in life, tho' not that of the world, paddled on up the crystal clear river to the rapid.

Returning to our lunch spot we found L all packed up and taking to the water so we continued poddling back down the river. Around 3.00pm the warmth of this glorious winter's day quickly faded, I stopped filming and for the next hour and a quarter we paddled at our top sustainable speed back to the boat ramp.

At 4.15pm, back where we'd begun having paddled 6.2kms further than originally intended.

By the time were packed up and had the boats loaded it was too late to get into Bega so the sheep have to wait for another few days for their favourite pellets. 

I haven't talked much about the wonderful day we had as L's video tells it better than I ever could


Brogo Dam 101%

Put In/Take Out: Boat Ramp


6 1/4hours

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