Saturday, 15 July 2017

Monday 12 June 2017 Pambula River

Once again it was an early morning paddle to catch the tide. And again it was only R, L and me. The put in point at the Pambula beach was quite rocky and with the little swell coming in we decided that getting into the kayaks just there was a bit beyond our skill level. So a short, but awkward portage later,around the corner to another little beach where we still had to cope with the swell but no rocks, we were ready to launch.

R got swamped by a swell just as she was about to get into her kayak and got drenched from the waist down and then had the difficulty of emptying her kayak as she had the scupper plugs in (lesson learnt for all of us). Once sorted we started paddling about 8.40am and after a bit or earnest paddling by R and me to get away from the swell, we could sit back and enjoy the stunning water and beautiful surrounds.

Coming up to the first bend with the ominously named Shark Hole to the right, we stuck to the left and with bums clenched, tried to look unconcerned whilst paddling determinedly!

Having negotiated the oyster leases in the lake we turned right up the river and started to looking for an early morning tea stop so R, who was very cold from her drenching, could dry out - a bit - and warm up

Back on the water we headed up to the junction of the Pambula and Yowaka Rivers. At the junction, on the left hand bank was a picnic table in the full sun which would have been a much better tea stop.

Once at the junction we decided to head up the Yowaka River as the tide was nearly at its high water mark and the river looked very inviting.

Just before the bridge we took the left hand side around an island. Before rejoining the main river we came to a small gravel race, where try as we might we couldn't make it all the way up and had to get out and drag our boat for about 8 metres. Once under the bridge the water deepened again and the paddling/drifting was sublime

We very reluctantly turned around, vowing to return to see how much further upriver we could get.
Not having intended to paddle up the Yowaka, our schedule was in dissaray and R had the bright idea of ringing G, who was driving down to meet us for lunch, and asking him to meet us at the Broadwater Oyster Shed and doing a car shuffle so we didn't have to paddle back down to the river mouth.

New arrangement in place, we began our return paddle. Back under the Princes Highway, our original route around the island was now high and dry so we stayed to the left. And how different and beautiful it was

We paddled back down to the junction and onto the Pambula river and thence down to our pull out point next to the Oyster Shed.

G was not long in appearing and he drove L back to pick up the car and trailer from the river mouth.
R and I unpacked the boats and got them ready to be loaded and then lazed in the sun awaiting their return. The blokes weren't long and after loading the boats R & I had the tricky task of trying to change discretely. R was very happy to at last have a dry lower half.  To top off a perfect paddle we had a yum and leisurely lunch at Wheelers restaurant (1st place we found open), sitting on the verandah in the sun.

Wheelers was packed, it was Queens Birthday weekend, which made us realise how lucky we had been on our paddle, only encountering a couple of speed boats and one kayak fisherman.

Trip notes:
Put in: Pambula River Mouth
Take out: Broadwater Oyster Shed
4hrs 10mins

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